Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP)
The Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) sets district goals and objects. The plan is based on analysis of district and school data. The plan includes:implementation of standards based/standard aligned core and intervention curriculum in reading/English-language arts and mathematics professional development in research based strategies targeted instructional support for all students not meeting proficiency data informed decisions about programs and practices and strategies to promote effective parental involvement. The plan was developed using a variety of self-assessment tools and input from parent advisory groups. Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP)
The Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) is required as port of No Child Left Behind (NCLB).
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- LCFF Budget Overview For Parents
- Local Control and Accountability Plan
- Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP)
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- School Parental Involvement Policy
- Single Plan for Student Achievement
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- Superintendent of Schools
- OrgChart 2024-25
- Title III Plan