Social Media Directory

Below is a list of a official social media accounts for District schools and departments.

Instagram Facebook YouTube

District Office and Departments/Programs

Garden Grove Unified
Visual and Performing Arts
GGUSD Athletics

Preschool & Elementary Schools

Allen Elementary
Anthony Elementary
Brookhurst Elementary
Bryant Elementary
Carrillo Elementary
Clinton Elementary
Clinton Corner Family Campus
Cook Elementary
Crosby Elementary
Eisenhower Elementary
Evans Elementary
Faylane Elementary
Gilbert Elementary
Hazard Elementary
Heritage Elementary
Hill Elementary
Mitchell Elementary
Morningside Elementary
Murdy Elementary
Newhope Elementary
Parkview Elementary
Peters 4-6 Elementary
Riverdale Elementary
Rosita Elementary
Russell Elementary
Skylark Preschool
Stanford Elementary
Stanley Elementary
Sunnyside Elementary
Violette Elementary
Wakeham Elementary
Warren Elementary
Woodbury Elementary
Zeyen Elementary

Intermediate Schools

Alamitos Intermediate
Bell Intermediate
Doig Intermediate
Fitz Intermediate
Jordan Intermediate
McGarvin Intermediate
Walton Intermediate

High Schools

Bolsa Grande
Garden Grove
La Quinta
Los Amigos
Rancho Alamitos

Alternative Schools

Career Technical Education (CTE)
LEC Adult Education
Virtual Learning Academy (VLA)