GGUSD High Schools Host Class of 2024 College-Signing Celebrations

college-bound to UCLA

Garden Grove Unified School District’s eight high schools are celebrating hundreds of college-bound seniors with festive College Signing Day events, complete with music, cake, student performances, and photo stations. At each College Signing Day event, students are photographed proudly holding signs displaying which colleges they plan to attend.

College Signing Day events are an annual tradition in GGUSD, celebrated in April and May in alignment with California State and University of California college commitment deadlines.

"College Signing Days hold a special significance because they celebrate all that our students have accomplished on their path to lifelong success,” said Board of Education Trustee Walter Muneton. “We want students to know how pride we are of them for achieving their goals and look forward to the bright futures they have ahead.”

The district will feature the College Signing Days photos on its website at and on its Facebook and Instagram pages using #GGUSDCollegeSigning #Goal3 #LifelongSuccess #GGUSDGoalGetters

GGUSD is consistently a leader in college readiness with 59.8% of GGUSD’s Class of 2024 scholars meeting rigorous college entrance requirements qualifying students to attend UC or CSU schools, compared to 57.3% across Orange County and 52.4% at the state level.

For the seventh consecutive year, all seven of GGUSD’s comprehensive high schools were named to U.S. News and World Report’s elite rankings of America’s Best High Schools.