Measure A Updates
Modernization projects made possible by voter-approved Measure A are continuing at a brisk pace – on time and under budget – to deliver 21st-century classrooms and leading-edge technology for GGUSD schools. Measure A projects are completed at 37 elementary schools and one intermediate school.
Complete makeovers are continuing with extensive work ongoing at four high schools, four intermediate schools, five elementary schools, and both special education schools.
Measure A modernization projects at Doig, Jordan, McGarvin, and Walton intermediate schools started in December 2014.
Improvements to all modernized schools include upgraded access for the disabled, improved fencing, doors with panic hardware, new ceilings and insulation, energy efficient lighting, casework, flooring, carpeting, painting, superior wireless access, upgraded intrusion and fire alarms, and new clocks, bells, speakers, and emergency lighting. Underground infrastructure work was also completed during the summer and included new water and natural gas lines, electrical conduits, and higher-capacity electrical service.
Faylane, Hill, Paine, Post, and Stanford elementary schools and Mark Twain and Jordan ATP schools are in various stages of modernization work. The extent of modernizations is similar to the intermediate schools including the use of one-time funds for air conditioning.
Alamitos Intermediate School is scheduled for modernization starting this December, with Fitz, Irvine, and Lake intermediate schools and Carrillo and Stanley elementary schools planned for next summer. The three remaining high schools, Bolsa Grande, Los Amigos, and Santiago, start in December 2016.
The modernization of our schools is the largest such project in Orange County history. We want to thank our parents, employees, students, and the community for their continued support.
Measure A updates about several of our schools are posted below.
For more information, contact the district Public Information Office at (714) 663-6503.