Loan and Sonny Sriruska

Loan and Sonny Sriruska

Rancho Alamitos High, Alamitos Intermediate, Zeyen Elementary, Wakeham Elementary, Paine Elementary

Loan and Sonny Sriruska are #GGUSDHomeGrownand are a GGUSD Love Story!

Loan attended Wakeham, Paine, and Zeyen Elementary Schools, Alamitos Intermediate, and is a 1992 Rancho Alamitos grad.

Sonny attended Alamitos Intermediate and is also a 1992 Rancho Alamitos grad. 

“We both decided to come back to GGUSD because of the great opportunities it provided us and care the teachers showed us during our time as students. We both hoped to be able to positively influence the experience of the students that we serve. We became friends during our time at Rancho and starting dating in 1992, got married in 2001, and have 2 daughters.”


If you're a homegrown GGUSD employee,

please take a moment to fill out a brief survey to share your story and save the date for our "GGUSD Homegrown Spring Celebration" on April 26, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Garden Grove Community Center.