Jennifer Dela

Jennifer Dela

La Quinta High, McGarvin Intermediate, Marshall Elementary

Jennifer Dela is #GGUSDHomeGrown.

Jennifer is a Special Education teacher at Rancho Alamitos. She attended Marshall Elementary, McGarvin Intermediate, and graduated from La Quinta in 2002.

“After attending all levels of my schooling through GGUSD and then working as an instructional aide for several years, I wanted to return to teach here, too. I had amazing teachers throughout my education in GGUSD, who helped make my choice easy in choosing education as my career. I also felt I would be able to connect with my students more, having grown up in this area. I love the fact that my students, for the most part, are humble and have the perseverance to push through no matter what life throws at them.” 

Jennifer is currently in her 11th year of teaching.


If you're a homegrown GGUSD employee,

please take a moment to fill out a brief survey to share your story and save the date for our "GGUSD Homegrown Spring Celebration" on April 26, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Garden Grove Community Center.