Gregg Primeaux

Gregg Primeaux

Pacifica High, Bell Intermediate, Patton Elementary

Gregg Primeaux is #GGUSDHomeGrown.

Gregg attended Patton Elementary, Bell Intermediate, and graduated from Pacifica High in 1992. He is currently a teacher at Garden Grove High.

“I wanted to give back to the district I received my education from. I had a choice between Long Beach Unified and GGUSD and I thought, what better testament than to return to where I was schooled. No other district trains their teachers as well as GGUSD, our toolboxes are filled with skills to help our students succeed. My favorite thing about GGUSD is the kids, without them there would be no GGUSD. I think back to all the students I have had the privilege to teach and am lucky to have had a small part in their journey. Whether they continued their education in college, or entered the military or workforce I hope they learned a little from me to help them in whatever avenue they pursued.”

He has been a part of GGUSD for 20 years.


If you're a homegrown GGUSD employee,

please take a moment to fill out a brief survey to share your story and save the date for our "GGUSD Homegrown Spring Celebration" on April 26, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Garden Grove Community Center.