Gene Martin

Gene Martin

Rancho Alamitos High, Alamitos Intermediate, Lawrence Elementary

Gene Martin is #GGUSDHomegrown

Gene is an English teacher and Drama teacher at Rancho Alamitos. He attended Lawrence Elementary, Alamitos Intermediate, and graduated from Rancho Alamitos in 1991.

“I wanted to teach in GGUSD because it’s a family atmosphere where there is respect, cooperation, and fun. I love the family community at Rancho. Also, my mother was part of the first graduating class to start as freshmen at Rancho Alamitos High School. She later taught at several elementary schools in the district, ending her career at Bryant Elementary.” Teaching in GGUSD was in his blood! Gene is in his 22nd year as a teacher in GGUSD.


If you're a homegrown GGUSD employee,

please take a moment to fill out a brief survey to share your story and save the date for our "GGUSD Homegrown Spring Celebration" on April 26, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Garden Grove Community Center.