Angelique (Boersma) Darvin

Angelique (Boersma) Darvin

Garden Grove High, Crosby Elementary, Walton Intermediate

Angelique (Boersma) Darvin is#GGUSDHomegrown.

Angelique teaches at Lawrence Elementary School. She attended Crosby Elementary, Walton Intermediate, and graduated from Garden Grove in 1985.

“The teachers I had really loved their jobs and made school a safe place for me to grow. I want to shout out to Mrs. Waterman (2nd grade) for inspiring imagination and Mr. Sam Lum (GGHS math) for his excellent support and humor while teaching. I love that they are always trying to learn and do new things.” 

Angelique has been teaching for 25 years.


If you're a homegrown GGUSD employee,

please take a moment to fill out a brief survey to share your story and save the date for our "GGUSD Homegrown Spring Celebration" on April 26, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Garden Grove Community Center.